Facelift/Neck Lift


A facelift and neck lift in Troy is an intricate combination procedure performed by skilled facial plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew Compton. It consists of repositioning facial fat; tightening the facial muscles, skin, and underlying tissue; and removing excess drooping skin.

Why Undergo Facelift/Neck Lift Surgery?

Facelift and neck lift surgery is designed to alleviate the signs of aging that appear around your face and neck. It can also help restore a youthful profile by removing excess skin from your eyelids, cheeks, jawline, neckline, and chin area.

The facelift and neck lift combination procedure helps hide wrinkles around your eyes and mouth while enhancing the bone structure along your jawline and chin area in order to create a more defined appearance.

Am I a Good Candidate for Facelift/Neck Lift Surgery?

If you are experiencing the aging process and would like comprehensive intervention, a combination facelift and neck lift may be right for you. Typically, the beginning of an aging journey becomes visibly apparent in your mid to late twenties.

If you want to enhance the contour, firmness, and form of your face and neck, facelift and neck lift surgery is a good option for you. Your face and neck can regain a more youthful appearance by having excess skin and fat removed, the muscles and underlying structures tightened, and extra drooping skin removed.

“Great job”

Thanks for the great job you did on me. May the good Lord continue to bless you!

– T.C.

Before & Afters


mini face lift


non surgical face lift

This patient is two months out from a face and neck lift combined with medium depth chemical peel

What Happens During Facelift/Neck Lift Surgery?

General anesthesia is used during a facelift/neck lift procedure to keep the patient comfortable while the surgeon works. During the procedure, the surgeon will make incisions in the hairline, and additional incisions may be made behind the ears or under the chin. The incisions will be very small.

The surgeon will then lift and tighten skin and fat around the face, neck, and jawline to provide a more youthful appearance. The muscles lining the jaw are often also tightened during this procedure.

The procedure can take anywhere from two to four hours, depending on the extent of the facelift and neck lift surgery.

What Is the Recovery Process Following a Facelift/Neck Lift?

Recovery from a facelift/neck lift can take anywhere from two weeks to three months depending on your specific needs; it is generally recommended that you stay home from work for about one week after surgery. After a facelift and neck lift, the operative areas will be bandaged to protect them.

You may experience some bruising and swelling at first, but this should go away within 2 weeks after your facelift and neck lift surgery. After the initial recovery period, you can use over-the-counter pain relievers as needed. If you’re still having discomfort or pain after 3 weeks, talk to your doctor about different options for managing it until it subsides.

You should avoid strenuous activity for 2 weeks while your incisions are healing. Avoid prolonged sun exposure for 6 months to 1 year after facelift and neck lift surgery.

Before & Afters


face & neck lift

face & neck lift


face & neck lift

face & neck lift

Your Facelift/Neck Lift will be performed by Dr. Andrew Compton at Royal Oak Beaumont Hospital, West Bloomfield surgery center or in his office in Troy.

Contact Us Today

If you want to learn more about facelift/neck lift in Troy, contact our office today to schedule a consultation. During the appointment, your medical history will be evaluated. Your facial anatomy will be assessed to determine whether you are a good candidate for this procedure.

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